Hey guys! For most of you school is coming soon or already came! But I just wanted to show you what some of my back to school things are! I know all the binders and books and LOOSELEAF come with that but i want to show you the FUN stuff i got for school! XD I really don't know where the summer went, but anywayyysss lets get into it:
well, i don't really shop at aeropostale much anymore, but they were having a huge sale so i decided to get my clothes from there! Here it is:
Here are the two pants i bought which is a pair of skinny, not too dark, not too light, jeans. I really like these because they go with pretty much any top and are easy to wear! An example outfit i would wear with it is with a loose fitting or off the shoulder shirt grey shirt with moccasins, converse or boots! (actually jeans could go with ANY type of shoes even heels!)
My second item are these sweatpants with a top cheetah border. This would go with a juicy jacket or tight fitting shirt. (not too tight or it will look like you are squished the whole day! :P)
Here we have two shirts i got from aero and a juicy jacket i got from my cousin! (thanks again!!!)
Well the first shirt, well kind of a sweatshirt but not AS thick, is the red one with aero written on it. This is a great shirt for the fall or winter when it is chilly and you want something to warm you up, but don't want the layers! This would go with the jeans i got because you know dark autumn red and jeans?...are like peanut butter and jelly! They go so well with each other! haha
The next shirt i got is a navy blue and white striped shirt. This is nice and goes with pretty much anything! It's tight in the sleeves but you can roll them up and still look good! This is a kind of tight and light shirt at the same time. (if that makes any sense)But i love it!
The last but not least item i have is the juicy jacket i got from my cousin! This is a dark greenish color and tight. This is great for those kind of chilly kind of sunny but not too cold days!
Well, those were the back to school clothes i have so far! If i get any new items i'll be sure to post them!
Lets get onto my...PENCIL CASE! Last year and the year before that i had my domo pencil case and it was so cute! but after being thrown around by rowdy boys in my class -__- and on the floor and what not, it is pretty dirty and worn out! So i got a pencil case from...you guessed it...aeropostale! (what! it was a big sale! what can i say i'm a sucker for sales!)
My "oops!" eraser! |
This is the pencil case! It is so cute (i know i say that about lots of things) and it's a navy blue color with a floral design to it. This is great because it's big enough to hold all my pens, pencils, highlighters or whatever junk i carry around! Even my big eraser! :O i wanted the biggest size eraser but...i don't think it would fit my pencil case!! I'm not really sure if this was meant to be a pencil case, but it still can carry what i need. This is also great because it comes with a strap to hold onto it!
I'm very excited about the next back to school item i have! This is my first and only moccasin i ever had from payless for $26.99? I'm pretty sure that's the price. These moccasins will go with many not if all outfits! These are good for the fall, winter, and spring! Just make sure not to get them wet in the snow or rain or that will be a d-i-s-a-s-t-e-r disaster!

These moccasins are in the light brown color with a cute little black bow on the top and the same fabric made from the bow on the sides. It also has a nice furry...wool? prob fake but very soft..i just hope my feet don't sweat..:/
I chose light brown because in my opinion light brown goes with any outfit just like how light brown uggs go with anything!
The last, but probably the most IMPORTANT back to school item i got is my...BACKPACK! Well this is not really a backpack more like a purse or tote bag. I don't have a picture right now of it, but once i get it i'll post it in this post.
Wow that was a lot of writing...anyways my fingers hurt so I'LL see ya in the next post! have a nice day! or goodnight! or goodmorning!! haha...ehh..ok bye!
bye for realzzzz