I finally just finished editing my new years nails...I know it's not...New Years anymore but does it count that i video taped this on New Years? No..ok :/
But it's up now! And I hope you like it! This is my first video using my new camera. Much better than using my iphone, but...yeah! I hope you like it! Wait did i say that already..?
p.s. if you've been wondering why my website has been looking so...yuck...lately..(boring font, colors, ect) is because of BLOGGER! idk i tried changing the look but it's not working for some odd reason! If you know how to fix it please let me know!
p.p.s. I have one good and one bad thing to look forward to:
I'm starting math tutoring this saturday :(
I'm starting gymnastics on Monday!!! :D <333 OH YEH OH YEH OH YEHH
(I have to take math because I'm not naturally smart like some people..cough cough cassey...and gymnastics because I'm not naturally talented in flexibility and moves cough cough rachel and sarah cough..)