Hey guys! Hdog in the house...okay that sounds weird...
Anywhoo...hows your vacation going so far? All i did was stay home and eat...I'm a lazy bum to give it a name.
But Chinese New Year just passed (GONG HEY FAT CHOY) and it was awesome. Since I am chinese, I got to see all my other cousins from New Jersey and got lots of $$ heehee. And ate AWESOME food that i never really eat. I actually didn't know my mom COULD make those dishes! XD But here are some of the dishes that my mom made:
Steamed Fish with ginger and sauce! |
Steak! <3333 |
Uncooked tofu with soy sauce paste and some chopped up ingredients |
Beef w/ tofu and celery |
Cooked Shrimp with green onions |
Fish cakes with ground beef and quail eggs in some kind of soup. |
Yummers right?
Well they taste better than the descriptions!
And also for dessert we had this weird squishy round things with seaseme inside of them that tasted like peanut butter. I think it was called tang yuan or yuan tang...I forget...
Ok well i hoped you enjoyed seeing different chinese dishes! Byeeeee