Hey guys! Did you know you can use rice for healthy great looking skin? It might sound a little weird, but it's true! All you need is of course rice (it HAS to be organic rice ORGANIC), a bowl, water, a chopstick (only 1), cotton balls or cottom pads and another bowl or spice jar to hold the rice toner. Ok lets start...
You first want to get out your bowl and put the rice into it.

Then you want to get your water out and pour it into the bowl with rice about 1/2 to 1 inch above the rice.
After this you wanna take your chopstick and stir the water and rice really good until it appears cloud like.
Now you want to drain the water from the rice into another bowl or spice jar

Take your cotton ball or pad and put int o rice toner for 5-10 min.
Take cotton out and rub all over face.
Drain!! |
wipe it on your cheeks |
get the nose area |
the chin area |
don't forget to cook the rice! |
| yum yum |
my skin feels clear and clean! |
♥ the last picture! -Crys.